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Item Ref #: 724 | Strawberry- Fraisier des 4 saisons
Placed Indoors and Outdoors


This very productive variety is remarkable for its great flavor and scent. 

Culture Tip:

1. Sowing: Sow Mar to July, in moistened soil at 1-2 cm depth and cover with a transparent plastic wrap. Place the pots in a warm well lit location but not is direct sun. Water regularly and watch for the emergence of seedlings to remove plastic wrap. 
2. Transplant: At 4-5 leaf stage transplants into pots, then move them to ground in the fall or next spring. To maintain even moisture mulch soil with straw, pine bark or black synthetic mulch and water regularly.
3. Harvest: Harvest from May to October. 

Companion Plants:

Strawberry loves the proximity of lettuce, because it increases yield.